•A closed rnouIh catch no flies |
嘴巴閉起來就不會飛進蒼蠅。〔義大利〕 |
禍從口出。〔中國〕 |
言多必失。〔中國〕 |
•A hedge between keeps friendship green. |
隔道樹籬,友誼長青。〔法國〕 |
鄰居要好起高牆。〔中國〕 |
•A lie travels around the wourld while truth is putting her boots on. |
謊話傳遍全世界,真相還在穿靴子。〔法國〕 |
好事不出門,壞事傳千里。〔中國〕 |
•A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. |
雖然知道自己沒有機會在底下乘涼,老人依然種樹。這樣的社會會偉大。〔希臘〕 |
前人種樹,後人乘涼。〔中國〕 |
•A wise man hears one word and understands two. |
智者聽到一個字就會了解兩個字。〔猶太〕 |
舉一反三。〔中國〕 |
•An ass in Germany is a professor in Rome. |
德國的驢子,到了羅馬就是教授。〔德國〕 |
遠來的和尚會念經。〔中國〕 |
他山之石可以攻錯。〔中國〕 |
•An ox remains an ox, even if driven to Vienna. |
牛趕到維也納還是牛。〔匈牙利〕 |
牛牽到北京還是牛。〔中國〕 |
•As we live, so we learn. |
活著就要學。〔猶太〕 |
活到老,學到老。〔中國〕 |
•Clouds gather before a storm. |
暴風來前先起雲。〔英美〕 |
山雨欲來風滿樓。〔中國〕 |
·Commit a sin twice and it will not seem a crime. |
同一種罪犯兩次,就不像罪了。〔猶太〕 |
積非成是。〔中國〕 |
·Every cloud has a silver lining. |
每朵雲都有一道銀邊。〔英美〕 |
失之東隅,收之桑榆。〔中國〕 |
天無絕人之路。〔中國〕 |
·Fine feathers make fine birds. |
好鳥要靠好羽毛。〔英美〕 |
人要衣裝,佛要金裝。〔中國〕 |
·Haste makes waste. |
太匆忙就會白費工。〔英美〕 |
欲速則不達。〔中國〕 |
忙中有錯。〔中國〕 |
·He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowed. |
註定要被弔死的人絕對不會被淹死。〔法國〕 |
閻王要人三更死,絕不留人到五更。〔中國〕 |
·He who has once hurnt his mouth always blows his soup. |
嘴被燙過的人,喝湯一定會先吹過。〔德國〕 |
一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩。〔中國〕 |
·He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. |
要爬梯子,非得從第一階開始。〔英美〕 |
登高必自卑,行遠必自邇。〔中國〕 |
·If all pulled in one direction, the world would keel over. |
如果所有的人都朝同一個方向拉,世界就會倒下來。〔猶太〕 |
眾志成城。〔中國〕 |
•Look before you leap. |
跳之前先看清楚。〔英美〕 |
三思而後行。〔中國〕 |
•Many hands make light work. |
人手多,事情就輕鬆。〔英美〕 |
人多好辦事。〔中國〕 |
•May as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. |
偷小羊也要被弔死,那還不如偷大羊。〔英美〕 |
一不做二不休。〔中國〕 |
•Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. |
心裡願意的話,沒有不可能的事。〔英美〕 |
Where there is a will, there is a way. |
只要願意,就有可能。〔英美〕 |
天下無難事,只怕有心人。〔中國〕 |
有志者事竟成。〔中國〕 |
人定勝天。〔中國〕 |
•Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. |
穿的人才知道鞋子什麼地方夾腳。〔英美〕 |
如人飲水,冷暖自知。〔中國〕 |
•Practice makes perfect. |
練習,就能完美。〔英美〕 |
熟能生巧。〔中國〕 |
•Pride goeth before dstruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. |
毀滅之前是驕傲,失敗之前是自大。〔聖經〕 |
驕兵必敗。〔中國〕 |
•Rain beats a leopard’skin, but it does not wash off the spots. |
雨打在豹的皮上,可是洗不掉斑點。〔非洲〕 |
A leopard does not change its spots. |
豹改變不了身上的斑點。〔英美〕 |
江山易改,本性難移。〔中國〕 |
•Rats desert a sinking ship. |
船沈老鼠跑。〔法國〕 |
樹倒猢猻散。〔中國〕 |
•Seek counsel of him who makes you weep, and, not of him who makes you laugh. |
問別人的意見,要問讓你哭的人,別問讓你笑的人。〔阿拉伯〕 |
良藥苦口(利於病),忠言逆耳(利於行)。〔中國〕 |
•Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear. |
說到魔鬼,魔鬼一定會出現。〔英美〕 |
說曹操,曹操就到。〔中國〕 |
•The girl who can’t dance says the band can’t play. |
不會跳舞的女孩說樂隊彈得不好。〔猶太〕 |
不會睡覺怪床歪。〔中國〕 |
•The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. |
籬笆另一邊的草永遠比較綠。〔英美〕 |
站這山望那山高。〔中國〕 |
•The mills of God grind slowly but they grind finely. |
上帝的磨坊轉得很慢,但磨得很細。〔愛爾蘭〕 |
天網恢恢,疏而不漏。〔中國〕 |
•The silent dog is the first to bite. |
不叫的狗第一個咬人。〔德國〕 |
會咬人的狗不叫。〔中國〕 |
•The squeaky wheel gets the oil. |
吱吱叫的輪子才有得上油。〔英美〕 |
會吵的小孩有糖吃。〔中國〕 |
•The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the scythe. |
最高的草會第一個被鐮刀割掉。〔德國〕 |
樹大招風。〔中國〕 |
人怕出名豬怕肥。〔中國〕 |
•The well fed does not understand the lean. |
吃飽的人不了解瘦子。〔愛爾蘭〕 |
飽漢不知餓漢饑。〔中國〕 |
•There is honor even among thieves. |
小偷也是講求道義的。〔英美〕 |
盜亦有道。〔中國〕 |
•There is no use crying over spilt milk. |
牛奶打翻了,哭也沒有用。〔英美〕 |
覆水難收。〔中國〕 |
•There is plenty of sound in an empty barrel. |
空桶子的聲音大。〔俄國〕 |
滿瓶醋不響,半瓶醋晃盪。〔中國〕 |
•Today is the fisrt day of the rest of your life. |
今天是你下半輩子的頭一天。〔英美〕 |
苟日新,又日新,日日新。〔中國〕 |
昨日種種譬如昨日死,今日種種譬如今日生。〔中國〕 |
•Two heads are better than one. |
兩個腦袋勝過一個。〔英美〕 |
三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮。〔中國〕 |
•When the iron is hot, strike. |
趁鐵還熱的時候打。〔英美〕 |
打鐵趁熱。〔中國〕 |
•While the cat’s away, the mice can play. |
貓不在,老鼠就可以玩了。〔英美〕 |
山中無老虎,猴子稱大王。〔中國〕 |
•Who lies with dogs shall rise up with fleas. |
和狗睡在一起,起來就會有蝨子。〔拉丁〕 |
近朱者赤,近墨者黑。〔中國〕 |
•Wine divulges truth. |
酒會使人洩露真話。〔愛爾蘭〕 |
酒後吐真言。〔中國〕 |
•You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. |
用母豬的耳朵縫不出絲質的錢包。〔愛爾蘭〕 |
朽木不可雕也。〔中國〕 |